Data relies on your code. Identify code and optimization issues in real-time, prevent data incidents pre-deploy, and govern data-impacting code changes end to end—from the operational database to the user-facing dashboard.
Foundational is the first Data Management Platform that ties together code and data,
providing developers the context and confidence needed to build safer, faster, and at scale.
Native GitHub integration makes it seamless for every developer to use Foundational in their existing workflow, across every repository.
Automated, column-level data lineage, from the operational database all the way to the reporting layer, ensures every dependency is analyzed.
Foundational automates data contract enforcement by analyzing every repository from upstream to downstream, directly from source code.
Find and prevent data issues, cost deficiencies, and privacy risks. Foundational can be deployed in less than an hour.
Foundational analyzes source code, queries, schemas and metadata across every step in the data lifecycle, throughout the organization. Absolutely no dev work needed - not now, not later.